Reformed in Doctrine
We believe that salvation is accomplished by the sovereign work of God, Who planned, initiates, and executes His plan of redemption without failure or contingency. Salvation is of the Lord.
Baptist in Polity
We believe in the autonomy of the local church, and that the final authority resides in the congregation. This complements our understanding that pastors or elders, who are called by God and recognized and appointed to their office by their congregation, are entrusted with the oversight of their respective local churches.
Expository in Preaching
We believe that the primary responsibility of pastors is to teach God’s Word to their people, and that the best way to accomplish this is through expository preaching, which is the systematic explanation and application of the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
Evangelistic in Attitude
We believe that Christians must be involved in evangelism, both locally and globally. We believe that churches must be committed to the Great Commission by endeavoring to reach their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and by prayerfully and financially supporting missionaries, evangelists, and church planters in spreading the gospel to the ends of the Earth.